In comparison, profitable Poker-playing skills actually take a much longer time to develop and master. The skills for playing profitable Roulette, on the other hand, can be mastered in a comparatively quicker time-frame. It can take several years to hone those poker skills. But you can be learning and training at playing poker for a few years before developing the level of skill that would enable you to earn regular income from it. Poker, in all its variants, on the other hand, is considered to be the original game of skill. Rather, most players will dismiss Roulette as the original game of chance. So they put it down to bad luck and wish themselves ‘better luck next time.’ It never seems to occur to most of them that it’s possible to level up their roulette-playing skills. They’ll spin the wheel, send up a silent prayer to Lady Luck and sometimes, they’ll even get lucky.
Roulette is an exciting game of skill, but all too often, players don’t have the confidence to commit to mastering the game. Often dismissed as a game of chance, we happen to know otherwise. Our site, as all our faithful readers know, is dedicated to the game of roulette.